Frequently Asked Questions
We want to ensure that all students have a positive school experience. This list is provided to help parents and students find answers to common questions but is never intended to replace the interactions between families and the school. Feel free to contact your student's teacher or call the school office at 601.584.6301 if we can help you in any way.
- My student is having trouble with classwork and homework. What should I do?
- My student is being bullied. What is my first step?
- I received a notice that my student owes money to the cafeteria. Who should I contact?
- I think my student needs more help. How do I get them into special education?
- What are the school hours?
- What is the school dress code?
- Will the nurse call me if my student is sick?
- What if my student needs medication at school?
- How do I contact my student’s teachers? Which one should I contact with questions that are not related to a course?
- How often will my student change classes? Will someone be available if they get lost?
- How can I choose my student's elective classes?
- How can I get my student’s schedule changed?
- What is the best way to keep up with my student’s grades?
- Should I have concerns about my student entering middle school?
- Will my student earn high school credits in middle school?